
Rheology of naturally-deformed antigorite serpentinite: Strain and strain-rate dependence at mantle-wedge conditions
Crystallographic orientation mapping of lizardite serpentinite by Raman spectroscopy
A common type of mineralogical banding in serpentine crack-seal veins
Lattice preferred orientation of talc and implications for seismic anisotropy in subduction zones
The internal structure and composition of a plate-boundary-scale serpentinite shear zone: the Livingstone Fault, New Zealand
Element and Sr--O isotope redistribution across a plate boundary-scale crustal serpentinite mélange shear zone, and implications for the slab-mantle interface
Submicron Raman spectroscopy mapping of serpentinite fault rocks
Styles of underplating in the Marin Headlands Terrane, Franciscan Complex, California
Geometric complexity of earthquake rupture surfaces preserved in pseudotachylyte networks
Dynamic earthquake rupture preserved in a creeping serpentinite shear zone
Distinguishing the Raman spectrum of polygonal serpentine
Deformation processes, textural evolution and weakening in retrograde serpentinites
Open-frame system for single-molecule microscopy